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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
bắt bí

To impose one's terms (from one's vantage ground)
biết món hàng khan hiếm, con buôn tăng giá để bắt bí ngÆ°á»i mua aware of the scarcity of the goods, the traffickers raised their prices and imposed their terms on the customers

[bắt bí]
to impose one's terms (from one's vantage ground); to put pressure on (customer) (như bắt chẹt)
biết món hàng khan hiếm, con buôn tăng giá để bắt bí ngÆ°á»i mua
aware of the scarcity of the goods, the traffickers raised their prices and imposed their terms on the customers

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